Friday, November 30, 2012

Things to Do

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mounting a DVD Drive in Fedora 15

The way you mount the DVD drive on Fedora 15.

1.  Find out what bus your DVD drive is running on... cdrecord -scanbus
Here's an example:

[root@localhost dev]# cdrecord -scanbus
0,0,0   0) *
0,1,0   1) 'LITE-ON ' 'DVD SOHD-167T   ' '9QSJ' Removable CD-ROM
0,2,0   2) *
0,3,0   3) *
0,4,0   4) *
0,5,0   5) *
0,6,0   6) *
0,7,0   7) *

2.  Create a directory in the /mnt directory for the drive you want to mount if one does not exist.   Use this command:  mkdir /mnt/dvd

3.  Mount the DVD drive using this command: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/dvd
Note:  the number 1 corresponds to 1 in bold.  If the DVD drive was in position two the command would be: mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/dvd

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Moderating Power of Money

Before I used to say whatever I wanted and make moves whenever and where ever I chose to.  I guess that's a convoluted way of saying I was reckless.  However now I am so much more careful with everything, or at least I attempt to be.  If I have a co-worker I don't care for instead of responding with venom I pray for them quietly and move on in peace.  If I have someone that I truly am having trouble with outside of work I avoid them.  If I have a disagreement with someone I choose to diffuse it (or attempt to choose to diffuse it) before it becomes an issue.  

However, I have not changed my behavior because of religion. I have not changed my behavior out of a concern for my common man or because of social norms.  I have changed my behavior because of one thing, pure and simple, money.

Since my savings account became larger than my checking account I have behaved in a much more reasonable manner toward everyone.   I could wax philosophical about the social compact and how having an investment in the system is the ultimate force for support of that same system but I won't.  What I will talk about is upward mobility.  

Upward mobility and the process of building wealth is an everyday process.  It takes planning, discipline, pragmatism, and a general eye toward keeping the boat steady.  Not annoying your bosses.  Not quitting your job.  Not opening a business until you have sufficient capital.  Generally simply being careful.  The word careful can not be overstated.  That care begins to seep into other areas of your life.  

"I can't lose my keys because a locksmith costs ...",  "I can't lose my wallet because the amount of lost time will cost me ...", "I can't lose my phone because if I do it'll cost me ...".  Every mistake becomes a cost.  It's something that eluded me before because I did not have enough income to generate capital.  Now that I do I am driving down the long road to becoming a more productive citizen.  

I have moderated my behavior frankly because now bad behavior costs me.  I realize how much I've sacrificed to get to this point.  Any steps backward now, any mistakes hurt twice as much, and therefore moderating my behavior is important to me.  I am now invested in the system.  I have moderated because it is in my self-interest to moderate because moderation is the only pragmatic way I see to make progress.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Adding an Existing User to a Group

Add an Existing User to a Group
Next we’ll add a user to the group, using this syntax:
usermod -a -G <groupname> username
For example, to add user geek to the group admins, use the following command:
usermod -a -G admins geek

Friday, November 9, 2012

Getting apachectl to work in Apache

In order to get apachectl to work follow these steps:

1.  First do what's here in this post: Location of httpd.conf file in Fedora 15

2.  Next:  cd /etc/httpd/conf

3.  Next vim httpd.conf

4.  Add a line:  ServerName localhost

5.  Save the file (:w) and exit vim (:q).

6.   Start the server:  /usr/sbin/apachectl start

7.  Go have a beer and smile a self satisfied smile. 

Location of httpd.conf file in Fedora 15


Make sure you copy any config file including this one (httpd.conf) and back it 
before making any changes.

cd /etc/httpd/conf

cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.backup

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Using the apachectl command by modifying the conf file

Cool Tool: chkconfig

Cool tool:  chkconfig

The command line version of ntsysv.

First, switch to root user.


/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on

-- starts the httpd service on levels 3, 4, and 5.  
Note: ntsysv only works

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cool Tool: ntsysv

Very cool tool:  used to start a service automatically on load:

At command line: ntsysv

Very cool.

Linux service tool

The service tool lets you check the status of a service, start a service and
stop a service.

 First, switch to the root user.

Checking the status of a service:
/sbin/service httpd status

Starting a service:
/sbin/service httpd start

Stopping a service:
/sbin/service httpd stop

Saturday, November 3, 2012