Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hadoop File Commands

Pipes the output of the HDFS file into the file:

 hdfs dfs -ls /data/msdhub/solspark_stdby > fileNames.txt

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Streets Ain't a Place for Innocent Bystanders to Stand. Nothing's Gonna Stop THE PLAN

What's the Plan:

1.  Get Stickers Made
2.  Go out and find graffiti
3.  Take pictures and post up stickers
4.  Get a following on Twitter and FB
5.  Tell people about t-shirts and pictures
6.  Advertise on FB and Twitter (5 bucks a day)
7.  Make mixed tapes and sell them on website
8.  Tell people if they have any graffiti that they like or any artists they love hit me up
-- Keep writing

9.  Keep making clothes
10.  Put together more and more events and build a following on social media
11.  Put out info about books I've written
12.  Buy CurtCR8s.com
13.  Tumblr Blog
14.  Start creating pocket patches
15.  Start creating short films