Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Built D2D Corner Store
Built D2D Dry Cleaners
Read Data Science from Scratch
Read Machine Learning in Python
Watched all d3.js videos
Read Bootstrap in one day

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Couple of Ideas

Things I want to do

Goals this Year for Comedy:

1.  Get 15 minutes
2.  Put together NPR: Nationally Publicly Ridiculous
3.  Get 15 minutes
4.  Put together Curtis Sumpter's Underground Sketch Comedy Hour
5.  Pass at Broadway Comedy Club
6.  Pass at The Comic Strip
7.  Pass at New York Comedy Club

Goals this Year for Technology:

1.  Build ToyArb
2.  Learn Web building Tech from Udacity
3.  Build ToySoup
4.  Build Media Banquet
5.  Build MedFraudEngine
6.  Finish CarMath :D 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Last Week

What slowed me down was my eye.

I went out one night and when I go out I kind of like to find quiet corners.  Nothing crazy.  Most people go to the Meatpacking District or to some night clubs and because of comedy I've found most of those places.  Even some cool ... trendy ... places I didn't even know existed.  But normally I like to find quiet bars, places New York has almost forgotten about and turn up there.  Sit down and have a cold beer.  Normally with bartenders I really like.  Or at least that don't annoy me.

I order a Guiness, put on my earphones and zone out.  Or I'll do some writing.  But then my eye.

I ate some cheese whiz on some fries.  I thought it really wouldn't be a problem even though I had never eaten anything that artificial before.  I have a natural propensity for natural food.  But not this time.  I said fuck it and ate the garbage.

The next day I woke up and I felt massive pressure building up in my left eye, almost as though it was going to explode. It hurt.  What was worse was that I was having problems seeing out of it.

Then it stopped.

It made me really nervous and I discovered all of a sudden that if I slipped and fell (because I don't have insurance) I'd be up shit's creek.  I have no savings and I'd be more than a little fucked.

Then I was like, Okay.  Maybe I should get my financial shit together.

I called in some money that was owed to me.  It was like pulling teeth.  Baby teeth but still ... I'll find out tomorrow if I'll actually get it but it's looking good.  Then, because I was out of money, I stopped doing comedy.

But I believe in Romans 8:28. "All things work together for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose."  I believe my eye got messed up (actually it's a lot better now.  I didn't even notice it today but I blinked and checked it and I think I'll have to get glasses which is kind of good because I always kind of wanted them) because God wanted me to take care of some things which I'll need to take care of.

First, God wanted me to do some reading for my career so that I can make sure I'll have some money.

So over the last week I've been reading about machine learning.  It's been pretty cool and I've discovered I do really have a knack for data.  I'm not just a data engineer.  I'm actually a data artist.  I'm excited about that.  It's a good thing to know. So I've got some reading to do until Saturday and then I can get back to it.

This stuff (and one more book that I've got to read - Web Scraping with Python) will allow me to build a little project which if it works will really put me in the black.

As far as comedy goes I need it.  I need that stage and I can't wait to get back to it.

My goal this year is to put together three things:  30 minutes.  Ten sketches.  And a one hour NPR/news spoof cd.  And to pass Broadway Comedy Club.  It's a stretch but I think I can do all three.  But first it's the 15 minutes.  Then the CD.  Then the 15 minutes.  Then the 10 sketches.  Then Broadway.

:D  Okay.  That's the plan.
