Tonight I hung about 400 door hangers in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. Everything up to Seneca is largely Hispanic and everything past Seneca is Eastern European and Chinese. Ridgewood is Eastern European and Chinese. Before Seneca is Hispanic. I think a All Spanish show would do very well there. Maybe Pedro Gonzalez, Melissa Diaz, Aida Rodriguez, and the Owner of the V-Spot (I forget his name), David Estrada. The split was roughly 50/50 (I hung 50% in the Hispanic part of the neighborhood and 50% in the EE/Chinese part).
Expectations: I'd expect the expectations here to be quite low to be honest. This is largely a white show, very Williamsberg-ish and the area isn't that white. Even with no Hits it would be a success because just mapping the area is giving me a solid look into the neighborhood.
Another Thought: There are lots of businesses around there. If you did a All Spanish Show it would sell out but you should definitely do posters.
Bonuses: There's a dope Hispanic Restaurant there that's beautiful and a great Mural that's very picturesque (barbers' clippers).