So, here's where we are.
I could be shooting content right now and building that. But I don't know. I feel like I'm a bit old for that game. Rather I feel like building ECS was a stepping stone. It was a stepping stone to really learning how to build something as opposed to the build itself. To put it frankly the destination was the journey. Now I could start building a name for myself by using that platform to build content around it and I feel like it could be smart but I'm not really interested in entertaining people.
To be honest, I've been thinking about what Peter Thiel said. What he said was that competition was for suckers. I'd be in direct competition with Eventbrite and Ticketmaster and why the hell would I want to do that. Irt seems stupid to me. Especially when I can take the skills that I've learned and start building something really fantastic.
Right now I'm learning about CSS from a production standpoint, including scss and the BEM model, things I didn't even come close to knowing before. Also, I'm learning about responsive design. I should be done learning about those things shortly. Then I'm probably going to take the rest of the year and perfect those skills.
After that I'm torn. I really should be getting into web security in a big way. And implementing web security in a production environment. The only production environment I have is ECS.
Maybe this is all of a piece. Maybe I should be using my time now to actually build content. And then using that to drive traffic. And then redesigning the site and building content around it in order to drive traffic. I don't know. I need to do a Pros/Cons Analysis.
But I think I should do one episode or maybe five of the Curtis Sumpter Half Hour Comedy Hour. And just do it and get it out there and see what happens. At least then I'll be able to maybe drive some traffic and build a test bed for this idea there as opposed to doing it from scratch. But maybe I first learn this CSS stuff. Finish this. Build three projects. And then build the CSHHCH Volume 1. And then do some more CSS. Then Volume 2. Then more CSS and then Volume 3. That should at least drive some platform adoption and allow me to continue to use this as a test bed for experimentation.
I think that's a good idea.
So let's go with that first.
Plan: Finish these videos and two beginner projects on Then put out one volume of the CSHHCH. Then finish three more projects on Then put out one more volume of CSHHCH and continue to list shows from the TTC and Eastville. Then do three more projects. Then release volume 3 of CSHHCH. Then do four more projects on Then release volume 4 of CSHHCH. Then finish and redesign ECS. Then release volume 5. Then finish the book on Linux and read the book on Kali Linux hacking.