Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today's Goals

Today's goals are very simple.

1.  Read the last twenty pages in Apache.


2.  Watch Github tutorial.


3.  Set up a Github account.


4.  Migrate my files to Github.


5.  Set up my files on the my new Apache box :D  Yeah!

6.  Set up my box with the right file permissions.

7.  Test out access on my other machines.

8.  Test functionality on my other machines.

9.  Read 100 pages in Objective C book.


Tall order.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

EY Resignation Letter

When you're hungry you ask how.  How do I provide?  When you're bored you ask what.  What am I going to do?  But EY provided me with the means so that I no longer had to ask how.  It provided me with activity so that I no longer needed to ask what.  Then the question became why.

Why is the most important question.  It can't be money (unless you were scarred by poverty).  It can't be about impressing others.  It has to be fundamental to who you are.  Answer why and what will appear and you'll create the how.

My personal hero is Elon Musk.  He created Space X and Tesla Motors.  I asked myself recently why is Elon Musk great.  The answer was jarringly simple.  It's because he bothered to ask himself why early, well before the what.

I asked myself why.  Why am I at EY?  The answer must be true in every way.   It was not.  Why forces a decision.  It is because of that question that I am leaving EY.

Those of you whom I do not see again I wish you in every way an excellent journey.


Today I passed page 150 in the Apache text.  Now tomorrow I set a goal to read 120 more pages.  My goal is to be done with this book by Sunday and to be done with the iPhone text by Next Wednesday and to have my stand alone server running by Friday and be in the midst of the iPhone build and have a v1 of the app up by Sunday.  I know.  Ambitious to say the least.   But I'll remain diligent.  


Do not move the ancient boundary Which your fathers have set. -- Proverbs 22:28
I have found so much inner peace lately, a greater amount than I have had in a long time.  It isn't from money or anything worldly.  Rather it comes from a abiding inner calm and a resonating spiritual peace that comes from spiritual strength derived from daily communion with the Father.  Everyday now I read the Bible before I start out on my day.  I feel like I'm eating spiritually.  My soul grows stronger.  As I read the Word my mind grows my calm and I find that my behavior is affected.  I no longer wonder about what is right to say and what is wrong to say or do.  The Bible gives me that guidance plainly and I hear the Voice of the Almighty again, the voice of my Father.  

I've had this epiphany long ago but I never wrote it down.  Instruction and commandments aren't right because they're in the Bible, they're in the Bible because they're right.  God created man and he knew that man wouldn't know how to keep his soul in good standing.  So God created the Bible as a users manual for the soul.  I feel so rich inside that it I know now that an entire world is open to me.

As for the verse at the top of this page, long ago I removed a boundary which my fathers set for me long ago.  I removed the boundary of the Word.  I never abandoned it completely in theory but in practice I had.  Now, I know better.  I don't abandon the Word but rather I embrace it now.  My family has been embracing it for generations.  Now I understand why.  My feet are on solid ground.  And getting more solid by the day.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Onto Apache

I'm excited.  Button 3 was rough.  For some reason it just took a whole lot of work.  But it's finally finished!  There might be some tweaks for sure but the vast majority of it is done.  Now I have to move onto writing the final PHP script that'll do the inserts, etc. and building the tables.  No real biggie. 

Then I get to move onto reading Apache.  The goal is to have the PHP script written by 5 pm and completed and then onto reading about Apache.  Nice.  

I finished reading about Linux yesterday and now it's onto the next step.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bible Verses

These are some of my favorite Bible versus.


 6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.

9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.

 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[d] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

1st John

5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

14This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

16 If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life.

 18 We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them. 19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

Colossians 3

8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.

Proverbs 15

10 Stern discipline awaits anyone who leaves the path;
   the one who hates correction will die.

 22 Plans fail for lack of counsel,
   but with many advisers they succeed.

25 The LORD tears down the house of the proud,
   but he sets the widow’s boundary stones in place.

 33 Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the LORD,
   and humility comes before honor.

Jeremiah 17

14 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed;
   save me and I will be saved,
   for you are the one I praise. 

Jeremiah 15

20 I will make you a wall to this people,
   a fortified wall of bronze;
they will fight against you
   but will not overcome you,
for I am with you
   to rescue and save you,”
            declares the LORD.
21 “I will save you from the hands of the wicked
   and deliver you from the grasp of the cruel.”

Monday, February 20, 2012


Maybe I'll do a little more work.  But I am tired.  I've programmed for maybe 11 hours today really.  I want to do more.  I want to get this piece done, this last piece that dynamically pulls up credit card numbers in a combo box and adds the elements dynamically.  Perhaps I'll just modify the present script and then embed the credit card numbers directly in it and have it dynamically appear onclick.  Hmmm ... interesting.  Then it's the last part of the regex checking and putting this information into the JSON object.  Finally it's sending it to the PHP script, doing the regex on the PHP side, and the DB inserts.  I also have to magic_escape everything to make sure no wild stuff gets through.  Ahhh!!!  But in reality it's really not all that much.  I really should do the embedded JSON objects so I don't have to do it later (scalability ... I've been reading up on it).  Okay.

Chill for a minute and then it's to bed.  I want to be up early and to get to work on this stuff.


These days I'm yearning for progress.  Yes I'm making progress and I'm pleased that I am moving on to learning new things.  I have some loose ends to tie up on the core website development but the other parts are coming along nicely.  I have learned sooooooo much.  For real.  

From the difference between $.ajax to $.getJSON, binding event handlers to fields, basic HTML, PHP interaction, sending emails from PHP scripts, linking back to URLs that send information and using that information to verify.  The amount I have learned is just alot.  It's verging on attaining level 1 ninja status.  True there's a lot to go but it's pretty cool.  But for real, what's next.

Next is Apache and iPhone App programming.  I have to set up my own web server so I can start writing CGI scripts and putting the website into a dev environment.  I'm doing so much coding and reading these days.  It's getting obscene.  I barely watched any TV today and am taking shorter lunches.

To be honest my old bosses words are becoming more and more true. 

Me:  "I don't like doing that."

Him: "You don't like it because you're not good at it."

But the better I get the more I enjoy what I'm doing.  Maybe Daymond John was right.  First you make it, then you master it, then you matter.  I'm in the making it stage right now.  Maybe even in some respects verging on the mastering it stage.  I know this skill set will serve me exceedingly well. 

I could see myself having a number of Internet properties.  This skill set is just so versatile.  With some of my future revenue I could write iPad stories and sell them, programming them in house.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  

First things first, work on what I'm doing which is getting this site up and running.  I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that but I'm eager to do more.  Now that I know something about how Linux works (a bit ... the kernel is the key and I don't know anything about it ... I'm not sure that I need to right now ... I think I have to really just get a site out there and take it from there) I'm pretty sure that I can move forward into Apache.

To tell the truth I'm really not excited about what I'm doing.  But I feel something substantial growing inside of me, like I'm putting on weight.  I feel like I'm just growing in a signficant way, that I've found a major point of pride and a platform for building things.  My entire life I've wanted to build something and now I am.  It really does feel solid.  Strong.

This looks cool

Open source ecology.  Open source hardware.  How cool is that.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb. 19, 2012

1.  I plan to wire the third button.

2.  If possible I plan to wire the cell phone and email fields so that they can't have fields within them are all ready verified fields.  

I'm pretty excited.  I'm about done with the wiring for this job and I've gotten through the roughest part of the work (the new stuff).  It's about to be time to get to work on some other stuff, Apache, Bash, and then I'll have to see where I go from here.  Maybe putting together a dedicated Apache server.  And finish reading this book about Linux.  Who knows.  It's bedtime.


1.   So today I plan to get that display bar at the top of the main screen working.  

Update 10:46 pm: Finished.

2.  I plan to wire the CUST functionality.

Update 1:03 am: Finished.  Nice.  Did it while watching TV but still.  Okay.  Bedtime.  Tomorrow it's wiring the third button.  That's a half a day task but I'll get it done.  Nice.  Go me.

3.  I plan to wire the third button.

4.  If possible I plan to wire the cell phone and email fields so that they can't have fields within them are all ready verified fields.  

Note to self:  I'll also have to include functionality that allows for password resets.

I really don't want to move forward with number 1.  But it's just because I haven't done it before and I don't really know CSS well.  Everything else I've done before and they work well. Okay.  Let's go.

My old boss was right.  I told him one time, "I don't like doing that."  He said, "You don't like it because you're not good at it."  He was absolutely right.  No one likes doing things they're not good at.   2-4 should be easy because I've done them all before.  I don't want to jinx it.  They could present unforeseen challenges.  But I have a good idea of what I'm getting into.  This however I don't.   But realistically it shouldn't be a big issue.  It's just a white bar across the top and a div with some green text and a AJAX call.  No biggie.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Running Log of Little Things to do for GFM

The overall plan is to do the following:

1.  Construct
2.  Secure


3.  Style
4.  QA
5.  Launch Beta

Things that need to be done:

1.  Secure cookies
2.  Change $.getJSON to $.ajax (asynch functionality requires it.)
3.  Stop cell phone numbers/email addresses that are verified either in the courier or the from being entered.
4.  String Lengths restricted to length of field size in DB. 
5.  Add limit for special instructions on the order screen. 
6.  Change in go-for-me.html in reference to the payment data (tblcourierpaymentdata) the testQuestion and testAnswer. (they're reversed).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So tomorrow.  It's 12:33 am now and I should be going to bed soon if I can't find anything reasonable to watch.  I just can't do unfunny TV shows anymore nor can I do super serious either.  So this is what I'm doing while I'm thinking (which ironically is what I'm trying to avoid doing as I've been doing it all day).  

So tomorrow this is what I'm planning:

8.  Read 20 pages of Linux.
-- This should be first thing tomorrow.

Update 9:03 pm:

I finished this about an hour or so ago.  I was out on job interviews all day but I think I'm going to not work for the next two months and simply focus on building out this product.  It's coming together and if I can just keep going I'm confident that I'll be able to finish building it out completely.  But number 8 is done. 

9.  Get the Customer Order UI Built. 
-- This should be second thing tomorrow.

Update 9:05 pm:  Starting this now.  I wonder if I can get it to display in the next hour.  The HTML is built but let's see if I can quickly just get it to display.  Not wired at all.  Just display.  It displays.  10:03 pm.  I'm going to take 10 and then see if I can get it to display nicely.

Update 11:16 pm:  The UI is now complete.  I'm going to chill for a minute.  Then I should start at least reading some Linux.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But probably so.

10.  Read 30 pages out of Linux.
-- This should be the third thing.

Update 1:18 pm -- 2/16/2012:  This has now been read.  Now I've got to build the email functionality into the program.  I'm going to see if I can have this wiped out in three hours. 

10b.  Build the email functionality into the customer and courier forms.  It should in essence be one function or two slightly different but more than likely one with a string that says "CUST" and then the GUID, 32 characters in length, and an email address. 

Update 3:04 pm:  I just sent an email from a PHP script.  Now next is to send a hyperlink in the script with the 32 character GUID on it.  Nice.

Update 3:19: Hyperlink done.  Now onto the GUID.

Update 3:50: Email functionality that passes the GUID, email address, and category in a 
URL embedded in a sent email is done.  Wow.  I'm feeling good about myself.  Now let's wrap it in a function and test it from another program.

Update 3:59: She's alive.  Now it's time to put it in a separate program (remove it from the TestFile.php suite and move into adding the fields and programming the script to allow verification from a DB perspective.  Nice.

Update 12:33 am -- 2/17/2012: I did this.  It finally worked but it was funny.  I just think the AJAX took such a long time to return after doing all it's magic that perhaps I just didn't give it enough time in the first place.  Patience young grasshopper.  But I did learn about unit testing.  I tested each unit, true, but testing an entire system that works together is different from testing individual files.  I've built enough programs that were one file but this program is number in the tens of files now.  I'm sure by the time it's done it'll be at a lot more.  There's a logic to debugging that sort of thing.

 It should trigger a script that runs an update functionality and also a delete functionality on unnecessary rows in the DB.

Update 3:16 pm -- 2/17/2012: Done.  

Now I've got to build into the main page the load functionality that checks for cookies and automatically welcomes them to the page, asks them to confirm it's them, asks for a pw before they log in, and then let's them in.

I've also got to build the Customer functionality in for the email and the table updates.

Then the same functionality for the customer two bullet points ahead.  Then it's onto wiring the UI and building the back end tables.

-- This should be quick and dirty tomorrow.  Then it's onto 11 and 12 and 13.  The goal: try to watch the Knicks game tomorrow night.  Jeremy Lin and Amare.  Oh yeah.

11.  Wire the front end of the Customer Order UI.
-- Fourth.
Update 2/21/2012 -- Done.

12.  Build the back end tables for customer orders.
-- Fifth.

13.  Build functionality that doesn't allow for the same phone number to be input twice in the UI.  Uses AJAX to verify.

EOD Tomorrow.  

13. Finish Linux.


15.  Wire the PHP script for the data collection of the Customer Order UI.


17. Write the SQL statements for the inserts into the Customer Order UI and finish the PHP script.


18.  Read 100 pages in Apache.


18b.  Develop the fourth button or at least plan it.

19.  Read 100 pages in Apache.


20.  Read 100 pages in Apache.

~Finished.   Not necessary.  Reading the last eighty and then done.

21.  Read 50 pages in Apache.

22.  Read Bash Book

23a.  Send email from Perl or PHP for email confirmation.


23.  Read Book on Google Maps API (read first 125 pages)

23b.  Read book on Objective C.

24.  Read a book on Apple iPhone Development

25.  Build the iPhone App.

26.  Read a book on Android App Development.

27.  Build the Android app.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Today I got a reasonable amount of work done.  I'm still surprised at how much I got done.  Tomorrow with no distractions I should be able to get a significant amount more done.

These are tomorrow's plans.
4.  Get insert statements written and PHP written

Update: 6:22 pm:  
Damn.  I just finished number four.  Brutal.  Bru-tal.  Rough.  So now I'm going to chill for a minute.  Doing what?  I have no earthly idea.  I guess this is when a cigarette is really useful.  I could use one right about now.  What else?  I'm supposed to move onto edit 20 pages of my book.  I'll do that first thing tomorrow.  If I didn't have to go out with a friend tonight I would do it tonight.  I just need a little break and then I could easily work on the twenty pages and then the ten pages.  But I have this new obligation which I could cancel.  I'll have to think about it a bit but either way I need to put down my laptop and chill. 

5. Edit 20 pages of my book.

Update: 8:34 pm:

So I just finished my edit of twenty pages.  This book is really good.  It's really really good.  I didn't know how good but it's pretty freaking good.  I'm stoked.   And I finished my edit and my friend just cancelled.  Nice.  I wanted to cancel but now I don't have to.  I can read ten pages of Linux and then go see Safe House.  I need a break. 

6. Read 10 pages of Linux. 

Update: 9:22 pm:

So I just finished reading ten pages out of my Linux book.  Nice.  Actually it's kind of interesting. But I'm interested to see what I can do with it.  But what's funny is it's filling in a lot of holes that you see when working with your own computer (if you have a Mac or a Linux box).  Also you just get a lot of information that's useful. I can't wait to get into shell scripting so I can see how to use all of these various commands but at least I kind of know my way around Linux now or at least I know where to look for the answers, the general vocabulary and what I don't know (most importantly). 

7. Go see Safe House.

Update 9:26 pm:  

I just need to get some fresh air.  Maybe I don't need to see Safe House at all.  I'm getting a little tired of screens.  I haven't been outside all day.  I think I'm going to go outside.  I may table Safe House tonight but I'm sure that if I get some fresh air I'll probably come back inside and power through my next 18 pages of Linux.  Then it's onto the Customer Order UI Build. 

8.  Read 20 pages of Linux.
9.  Get the Customer Order UI Built. 

If I can get this much done tomorrow I'll be super excited.  It's so much to get done I'll be exhausted by the time I'm completely finished.  But if I can get that much done tomorrow then I'll be able to justify focusing exclusively on the email piece, the App piece, and the Android piece, the CGI piece, and after all of those are built the security piece. 

It's kind of crazy but I'm pretty much on the verge of learning an entirely new suite of technologies which will allow me to command a very high income level.  But funny enough I have a feeling that I won't ever have to work for anyone again.  I think what's going to happen is someone is going to get wind of this project that I've built and fund me.  I don't think I'll ever work for anyone else again in my life.  Eerie.  But I think it's true.

Ideas: Bodega Buddy and

Bodega Buddy:  Helps you find all the bodega's in the area including ones that deliver and ones that don't.

Bodega Buddy Order:  You can order from a bodega and have the item delivered to your house.  A site where you can see, upload, and appreciate pictures of thick chicks.


Yesterday I read about Linux and cut some code.  I'm looking forward to completing these interviews today so I can come back here and finish reading about Linux and then moving on to finishing up button number two.  It's funny but I think that I'm going to need to read that Linux material and that GREP, BASH, and Apache material all at once.   Then I'll have to quickly move on to Sendmail and get that done.  

I also have to edit twenty pages in my book.  So my goals today are to attend these two interviews, work my ass off and get this last bit of coding done as well as the SQL statements to create the tables and add the columns for email verified.  Also, get the insert statements done and then to edit 20 pages of my book and read 10 pages of Linux.  


1.  Attend two interviews
2.  Get second button front end completed
3.  Get customer tables created
4.  Get insert statements written and PHP written
5. Edit 20 pages of my book.
6. Read 10 pages of Linux.
7. Go see Safe House

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Save for Later

Useful:  Yahoo Stock Charts:

I'll need this.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Linux.  Oh the power.  It's true.  But seriously I am getting alot of work done.  I completed reading 40 pages of Linux.  Now it's off to write up some code to get this second part of GFM mapped out.  

(Two hours later)

Finished this.  It's funny.  When I first wrote this up it took me a long time to code this page.  Now I finished the second button in two hours.  It's so funny how you can co-opt code and simply throw pages together quickly.  The first one is a bitch but the second and all the ones thereafter are really easy because of it.  Man.  That's one thing I love about software dev.  It gets faster and easier.  The first time is a dog but the second and the third times, and so on and so forth.  Easy breezy.  

I can't wait until I get my App Development skills down.  I'm glad I chose this profession.  It's awesome.  So much opportunity and you get better and better at it.


Day 1 End

So today I completed all of my goals.  

The goals tomorrow are simple:  

Read 40 pages in Linux.  
Program the client onboarding button's UI.
Remove all the unnecessary alerts out of the Courier Onboarding Button.

I did all of these and man am I freaking tired.  Whew.  

Now what will I do tomorrow.

Tomorrow I am going to do the following:

1.  Read another thirty pages out of Linux.
2.  Program the client onboarding front end to take in all the data.
3.  Edit 20 pages of my book.  I've got to tie up this loose end.
4. Write the SQL uptake statement.
5.  Test the front end UI just to be sure it works as well as it did before I removed all of those alerts.
6. Make sure I check for quote marks in all of the free text fields I've got in the first button.

Long day tomorrow.

Maybe a beer?  I deserve it.

Day 1

So I received a call from a recruiter this morning.  It was a good call but he wanted to immediately shoe horn me into a shitty position doing exactly what I was doing previously.  I informed him I didn't want to do that and he said okay and we hung up the phone.  Now what I want to do is to go to work.  So I'm going to have a cup of coffee (I have a friend named Joe, a cup of Joe feels not awesome) and read the Linux book.  

I'll keep you posted. 

I'm still reeling a bit to be honest.  My former boss emailed me today.  I'm sure 'they' are making plans right now to smooth the move out the door.  She wants to talk sometime.  I really don't know what about.  She hit me with a bus.  Now she wants to have a beer.  I'm not really sure how to take that.  I 'm not even sure that I want to take that.  I'm not sure about the entire situation with her.  But I do know that today I have to put one foot in front of the other.  So that's what I'm going to do right now.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

GFM - Part 2

Yo.  So here's where we're at.  The Courier Onboarding Button is done for the most part.  Now I have to build out the Client Onboarding Button.

Here's some other things I have to do:

1.  Read the Linux Book.
2.  Read the Grep Book
3.  Read the Apache Book
4.  Read the Bash Book
5.  Read the Sendmail Book
6.  Get the mail sent.

The goals tomorrow are simple:  

Read 40 pages in Linux.  
Program the client onboarding button's UI.
Remove all the unnecessary alerts out of the Courier Onboarding Button.

2.  Client Onboarding Button
3.  Courier Login Button
4.  Client Login Button and Order Placement
5.  the iPhone App
6.  the Android App

Other Parts:

1.  The Apache Server 
2.  The CGI scripts that process the responses to the website/apps
3.  Email sending

David Cohen Email

At the moment of commitment, the universe conspires to assist you. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I read this quote from Corey Booker.  Just now I received an email from David Cohen of Tech stars.  This is where I am supposed to be.  Good.  It has to be.  Thank you God.



GFM is the subject of this blog for probably the foreseeable future.  GFM is doing okay right now.  I have some SQL to write and some PHP to debug but after that I'll have completed a significant portion of GFM from a technical perspective.  I'll have finished 1/6th of the user facing interface.  Namely I'll have finished the Courier Onboarding Button which is the most complex.  

What's next:

2.  Client Onboarding Button
3.  Courier Login Button
4.  Client Login Button and Order Placement
5.  the iPhone App
6.  the Android App

Other Parts:

1.  The Apache Server 
2.  The CGI scripts that process the responses to the website/apps
3.  Email sending

Skills I know now:

1. mySQL
2. PHP
3. Twilio
4. Apache - a little

How I feel about GFM:

Promising but a little down. I didn't expect what hit me today.  See the previous post.


I'm about to get fired.  I can feel it in the air.  Today I got rolled off of a project and I know that it was the last straw.  I'm about to get shit canned.  This is not a good feeling but for me to bury it would be doubly dangerous.  So I am here to 'talk' about it.  Talking about somethings with people is brutal but talking about it here is okay.  

I don't feel like I deserve it. But I knew it was coming.  I could just feel it.  Not because of people mind you but just kind of spiritually.  Like I had taken all I was going to learn here and now it was time for me to move on.  So I'm moving on.  

I feel strange but free.  I'm a bit worried but not too much.  I believe in spiritual signs.  As soon as I got to the train station I knew I would be okay.  I checked my Gmail and the first thing I saw was an email for PHP programmers with one year of experience.   I was really excited about that.  I saw it as a sign.  I think it is.  Right after I write this I'll send out my resume.  

As for GFM I have some SQL to write tonight, some code to debug.  I think what I'm going to do is hit my boss up for an investment of 20K.  If he says yes then I'll be able to work on GFM for the next 6 months non-stop.  If he says no (and I suspect he will) I'll end up working at this PHP shop sharpening my skills until I can launch GFM.  I think GFM is going to be a huge monster success.  I think I'll be able to help alot of people.  I'll be able to tell a lot of people I told you so.  But until then I'd better just get to work.  

I'm still reeling a little bit but it's to be expected.  Now it's on to the next project.  It doesn't feel good but this is a necessary step.  I have to launch GFM.  It's a part of my destiny.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Crazy Bitch

So last night I was sitting in my bedroom programming a website when someone calls me and asks me if I'm a programmer.  I say yes as I'm programming as they call.  This person says that if she tells me an idea that I have to promise not to share it with anyone or tell anyone else about it.  I say that's fine.  She tells me about an idea that I've all ready had and all ready blogged about.  

She then loses her shit and starts freaking out about it.  The worst part is she's my sister.  She just goes ballistic.  She severs all ties with me and I believe that when anyone severs ties with another human being it's hurtful.  But she severs those ties and that's fine.  The worst part is though that she accuses me of stealing her ideas.  That's nuts!

I blogged about it three months ago, told my co-workers about it last week, and ordered books in support of learning the proper technologies in order to implement it last week.  My house looks like a freaking library/laboratory (he he he :D >D ... technology is power and it's magic.  It's just so cool!)  Nonetheless I am hurt.  But more so I am sad.  My sister is becoming crazy.  She's in show business and she's becoming a crazy person, money hungry, just nuts.

I was trying to think what brought this on.  She had never programmed before.  She had never done a software project before.  Why now?  Then I thought about it.  Facebook.  Facebook had it's IPO or filed for it's IPO today.  Now it's all over the news.  She read about it and now wants to get paid from something like it.  It took Mark Zuckerberg fifteen years+ for that to come to fruition including his learning curve in high school.  It's amazing that people think it's somehow over night.  It is overnight.  It took him and his crew many nights in that lab to get there.  Yet people somehow think it's over night.  

That's the difference between Silicon Valley and Hollywood.  Silicon Valley values innovation, building things of lasting value with your own hands, and changing the world, changing the way the world operates for the better, democratizing as a principle, money as a bi-product.  And money only as a tool used to make the world a better place for a lot of people.  At the end of the day it's about people.  

Hollywood believes in fame for fame's sake, money as power over others, and just a way of existance that I don't believe in.  There are exceptions to the rule:  Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Charles, who just have something cool and meaningful to say.   But others.  Blech!  

Nonetheless this is pain.  Elon Musk described running Tesla as eating a glass sandwich everyday.  Well, this is just a glass shard.  I'll have to get used to it.  I should change this blog post to be titled, "My First Piece of Glass."