Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1

So I received a call from a recruiter this morning.  It was a good call but he wanted to immediately shoe horn me into a shitty position doing exactly what I was doing previously.  I informed him I didn't want to do that and he said okay and we hung up the phone.  Now what I want to do is to go to work.  So I'm going to have a cup of coffee (I have a friend named Joe, a cup of Joe feels not awesome) and read the Linux book.  

I'll keep you posted. 

I'm still reeling a bit to be honest.  My former boss emailed me today.  I'm sure 'they' are making plans right now to smooth the move out the door.  She wants to talk sometime.  I really don't know what about.  She hit me with a bus.  Now she wants to have a beer.  I'm not really sure how to take that.  I 'm not even sure that I want to take that.  I'm not sure about the entire situation with her.  But I do know that today I have to put one foot in front of the other.  So that's what I'm going to do right now.

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