Monday, August 20, 2012

Finishing What You Start

I'll tell you people out there that I've never met and never known.  Maybe this is why I'm telling you.  But I've got a lot of flaws.  I won't enumerate them for you.  That may be a little bit much.  But I'll also tell you this.

I finish what I start.  I don't like living in New York really.  It loud.  Today I traveled to work in a metal box.  The people are intense.  I just don't really like it.  It's home but I'm not in love with it.  I'm not in love with computer programming either.  Sure, I'm good at it.  Getting better every day.  I do like solving problems and programming is ripe with problems.  And I enjoy the artistic piece of it, perfecting a craft, building a product that's elegant when it's done right.  But it's not phenomenal fun.  But I don't give up.  I finish what I start.  In all humility I've got plenty of flaws.  But follow through is my strong suit. 

After I get this company up and running I'm going to learn how to play basketball.  After this company is doing 1,000 dollars a day I'm going to learn how to seriously play basketball.

Another thing I like about myself is that I enjoy learning skills.  I do seriously enjoy learning new skills.  I don't enjoy the skill life cycle.  The stumbling, the frustration, the tripping over yourself, but I do enjoy it when I've finally gotten to a point where I know what I'm doing, where I know how to do what I want to do.  I do enjoy it when it becomes almost artistic.  Where the technique is out of the way and you just begin to create.   That's cool.  :-D  I really can't wait to get a product out there for tons of people to use.  There's just a thrill in giving it away.  Letting people actually use the product.  It's cool and fun.

Right now I'm stumbling through this iPhone App development.  I'm getting better.  I'm like a confident toddler. I can walk but sometimes I fall a bit.  Yet I'm doing okay.  After I get through with setting up this delegate and protocol piece I think I've got nothing but grunt work (bread and butter techniques that I've all ready used).  Then I'll be moving onto the server side, setting up my Linux box, and setting up my first RESTful service.  Whoa.

I've also got to encrypt the information passed through the URL in the website code.  But that's after getting the iPhone app all set up and getting information to correctly pass backward and forward.  Still lots of work to do but it's coming along.   I'm about to move onto a whole nother level.  Programs talking to programs and moving things into and out of a DB and then automatically communicating with mobile devices. 

After I can successful get a mobile device to talk to a server and manage the server and the PERL scripts that should talk to the mobile device even when the applications closed I should be in good shape.

At that point I should be able to actually build and sell a service.  FlyingFiftyTwo should be first.  Then FallingFiftyTwo.  Then  I should develop a Android app for that one.  Maybe Bodega Buddy after that.  Then Sumpter Retail Consulting and go after the restaurant businesses.    One business at a time.  Cobble together revenue streams a dollar at a time.  One step at a time.

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