Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today I was complaining about reading an Android textbook.  Then as I realized it I realized that I was becoming more powerful.  I realized what I was reading was magic and that every page I read taught me how to do something, how to leverage technology in order to connect the world, how to shape the world in a way I see fit, in a way that move mankind forward.

I'm becoming more powerful with every page I read.  It's magic.  It allows me to do things other people can't and to touch the world globally.  I'm excited and empowered.


I'm so excited by what I'm doing.  I'm almost done.  I'm almost completely done with this iPhone app.  I can see the end in sight and I'm really excited about it.

I've been working on it pretty hard and I can't wait until all is said and done.  I've got to work on the fax piece shortly but by and large it's almost finished.  Now I'm moving into some cooler parts like building the credit card processing back end and the fax piece.  I'm just moving at lightening speed and it feels really good to see the finish line in sight.  I'm starting to just work on bells and whistles but most of the stuff (I cringe to say) I've pretty much done before.  I have some pieces that still look like a little bit of a technical challenge but I think I can pretty safely say I'm pretty confident I can work my way through them at a reasonably rapid pace.  I think I can say I'm starting to just get nice.  

Not that much work left to do.  Then it's onto the website which I'm pretty confident I can just whip out.  I've got a lot of the code base pretty much done there.  Then I've got to order the graphics and just continue working.  Who knows?  Maybe by the end of the year I can have two websites up.  

I don't really care about the number of websites though.  What I do care about is that the site I have is really good and is really a real business.  Matter of fact I really don't want two sites.  I want one that works really well that has real traction that is moving along nicely.  I just want to continue what I'm doing and do it incredibly well.

Bad ass.  Bad ass.  Bad ass.  Bad ass.  Bad ass.  Did I mention really freaking cool?

All right.  I'm excited but I'd also better go to bed.  I'm almost tempted to build one view controller right now but that might be a bit of over kill.  Yup.  It's overkill.  Okay.  The News Hour and then bed.  

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