Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Drifts and Goals


I want to just study.  Data would be very interesting.   And the law.  And auto mechanics.

I want to have adventures.

I want to design cool clothes and cool stuff to wear.

I want to fight ... which is another way to have adventures.

Great Saturday

I had to write down this Saturday story:

Went to work out

Met Megan, a Florida girl, who is fantastic: Republican, really smart, beautiful.  Really considerate.
-- Talked to her about how she was a winner.

Met Vasalisa -- a politicians wife (or should be).  Beautiful.  Elegant.  Smart.  Perceptive.  Just one of a kind.  Russian.  Just great.

Went to a bar, Distilled.  Great food.  Met a great guy.  Nice.  Very smart.  Ph.D.  First time I met someone that made me feel like I wasn't winning enough.  Cool guy.  Had a great piece of salmon and a great dessert: smores.

Barhopped: nothing special.

Ended at Mad Hatter:  a married woman grabbed onto me.  It was nice.  She was good looking but not great.  Just a huge risk taker.  Told me that she loved to take huge risks and may end up doing something very bad one day.  :-/  But very good looking.  Traditionally.  Not like Vasalisa and not as interesting as Megan.

Went to 3rd Street Amsterdam Tavern: Girl told me she wanted to be a CIA agent. I asked her if she wanted to kill me.  She said if she killed me I'd die with a smile on my face.  Great! :D

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Reading List

Hadoop - First Part
Data Science (1 Chapter)
Hadoop - Second Part
Spark Advanced
Data Science (the rest)
d3.js (maybe)


Bayesian Networks
Markov Models
Math Texts
Linear Algebra
(Check Amazon Books)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hadoop File Commands

Pipes the output of the HDFS file into the file:

 hdfs dfs -ls /data/msdhub/solspark_stdby > fileNames.txt

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Streets Ain't a Place for Innocent Bystanders to Stand. Nothing's Gonna Stop THE PLAN

What's the Plan:

1.  Get Stickers Made
2.  Go out and find graffiti
3.  Take pictures and post up stickers
4.  Get a following on Twitter and FB
5.  Tell people about t-shirts and pictures
6.  Advertise on FB and Twitter (5 bucks a day)
7.  Make mixed tapes and sell them on website
8.  Tell people if they have any graffiti that they like or any artists they love hit me up
-- Keep writing

9.  Keep making clothes
10.  Put together more and more events and build a following on social media
11.  Put out info about books I've written
12.  Buy CurtCR8s.com
13.  Tumblr Blog
14.  Start creating pocket patches
15.  Start creating short films

Friday, February 27, 2015


It took two days (TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!) to get Android to work.  Two days.  That was crazy.  I mean just a basic Hello World took two full days.  I had to uninstall, reinstall, look into config files, just a bunch of stuff.  But finally it worked.  FINALLY!!!!!!!!!  I'm elated but now comes the part where it gets real.  I finally get to get into the code.  Finally!!!!!!

So I figured my plan to take it to the next level.  I'll get a job and then keep making apps on my own time.  Then after I get a certain number of them out I'll work on pushing them to the next level.  Promoting them and learning how to build a fanbase for an app as opposed to just putting it out there and leaving it out there (which is what I suspect other people do).  

But the elation I feel at finally having gotten past this point with Android is awesome.  Now I have to take it to the next level.  I'm so excited though.  Because now I have two skills that I do pretty well.  Now I have to put my energy into taking it up another couple notches.  

I'll tell the truth.  I feel more powerful due to the work I've done.  I just feel more powerful.  Stronger.  Better.   Much better.  I feel like I just earned a big stripe.  

I can program.  That's no doubt.  But developing for both the Apple and Android groups, it's such a huge advantage.  I feel like I've just taken a very big very powerful step.  I feel like these days every step I take I'm getting stronger.  

I'm just getting stronger.  I've made some mistakes in my life but I've made some right very strong strategic choices and I know one day soon I'll look back and say, man, I've made a right choice here.  This was the right choice.  Focusing on actually know how to build things, not saving money and outsourcing it, but actually building something and understanding how things are built.  This was very important.  

I get through this class, put this carMath project out there with Ryan.  See where that goes and build carMath for Android.  Put both of those out there and use carMath on Android as a teeth cutting tool. 

Then build out the WatchPoint app and build out the WatchPoint for Android.  Then build out the website and learn AWS.   Then build that all on AWS.  This is a year of building.  Building.  Building.  

This is a building year.  This is about building and learning how to build and perfecting the build.  That's what this is about.

Damon John said, "First you make it, then you master it, then you matter."  I'm in the mastering it phase.  I'm building things and building the skill set around it to master it.  This is a very good thing.

I know I am on a path where one day it's going to be a factory where we're able to grow at a tremendous rate and I'm able to do a lot of good.  But I want to create products that I'm inspired by and that inspire others.  But I want to build great products.  Great big powerful companies with great products.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

CurtCR8 Plans

I'm not really sure how I'm going to get everything done that I want to get done.

First I'm doing alot of data work and so I think I want to start a consultancy called DataWorks.  That will give me the freedom to do what I want to do on my off time and provide me with extra income.

I also want to create a couple of iPhone apps:
-- finish carMath (Android Also)
-- WatchPoint (Android Also)
-- Cyrus the Virus (Android Also)
-- Celebrity Facepunch (Android Also)

-- coolChat
-- instaTeer
-- Biggest Artshow Ever

But before I create these I actually want pick-a-chart to get to 100,000 users a day.  Or more.
In order to do that I need a better understanding of marketing.  That class starts in April and doesn't end until October and I don't really know how to drive traffic that well so I think I'll put a pin in that until October.

Action Point:  Perhaps I start improving the website.

My primary problem right now is that I don't have a balance between mobile and data.  That's what this document is about.  I need to figure out how to learn everything I need to learn to ramp up with data while remaining inspired creatively enough with learning what I need to learn for Android and mobile.

I think what I should do is first focus on the functional apps.

First: carMath
Second: WatchPoint

These two apps will allow me to focus on Android App development without getting into game development just yet.  This will allow me to manage my learning curve appropriately.

The Learning Plan:

1.  Finish Machine Learning Intro (Wednesday)
?.  Finish CarMath for iOS (Sunday)
2.  Read iOS Documentation on AVFoundation (Monday)
3.  Work through Udacity Android Module 1
4.  Work through Udacity Android Module 2
4a.  Read AWS book or take AWS course (see bookmarks: Code)
5.  Build Either Watchpoint for iOS or Build CarMath for Android
6.  Build Watchpoint for iOS
7.  Work through Supervised Machine Learning: Udacity
8.  Build Watchpoint for Android
9.  Market Watchpoint and get 1,000,000 downloads
10.  Work through HTML 5 Game Development Course
11.   Build Facepunch on the Web
12.   Read Swift Game Development
13.   Build Facepunch on iOS (do testing)
14.   Build Facepunch on Android
15.   Work Through Unsupervised Learning: Udacity
16.   Build Cyrus the Virus on iOS (do user testing)
17.   Build Cyrus the Virus on Android

The curtCR8 Plan:

1.  Save 10K -- Buy Framed Bomb It Poster and get stuff I want hung up
2.  Get a new iPhone with instagram so I can see Grafitti
2a.  ?Build graphitti map website?
3.  Build A Graph Artist List and put together a list of things I want to make.
4.  Get 10 T-Shirts/Items Created and put them online
-- One has got to be NATIVE
-- One has got to be NY NOT TAYLOR SWIFT
-- One has got to be I'm Not From New York.  I'm from Brooklyn.
5.  Build a 100,000 person email list with CDs (200 / weekend) in NYC.
-- Use this to solicit music from new artists
-- Build a graph artist map
-- Do interviews with artists/storytellers/musicians that I find dope (the point: give fresh content - always give something before promoting something)
-- @ 10K throw a concert
6.  Use that to promote concerts, digital properties (games & guides), and sell clothes, and promote new media.

Aside:  What does curtCR8 do?  CurtCR8 is a lifestyle brand.  We do music, clothing, digital properties, net shows, concerts, food-media properties, festivals, movies, alternative movie events and alternative sporting events (Summer Ball League, Women's Volleyball).


Reality Show with Old Women and Young Women
Reality Show with Old Men and Young Men
Brewster's Billions
Sonic Wave -- a show about Musicians taking you through their city
Friday Night Anime --
New York's Biggest Artshow

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Things To Do

Watchpoint:  Who's Watching the Watchers?  U!!!

Envelopes with Grafitti on them

Subversive Greetings
-- Subversive Holidays

NYC Signs:

Whites Only
780 Credit Zone
Upper East Side: Bloomberg Country -- Poor People Will Be Ignored
New Money Zone -- Poor People Will Be Removed Shortly

Friday, January 23, 2015

Work List #3

Things to Do for CarMath:

1.  Retrieve Cell from Slider Position
2.  Get UILabel from Slider Position
3.  Change UILabel as Slider Changes
4.  Get all checkmarks to behave correctly
5.  Get the numbers to appear correctly in the parent label
6.  Fix the number labels so they display correctly.
7.  Get the name labels to display correctly.
8.  Get the sliders to jump by 100 dollars per
8b. Get accordion labels to display correctly
8c.  Implement Jump Number in ft data structure
9.   Get data persistence to work locally.
9b. Get data persistence to appear in parent cells consistently.
9c. Get decimals to jump properly. (APR)
10.  Implement data check for Continue Button
11.  Build Database for Car Dealers
12.  Build Perl Script to retrieve Car Dealers
13.  Build Car Dealer Load functionality into Script
14.  Fix appearance of all other versions besides iPhone 5S (Monday)
15.  Build drop down list for the car dealers.
16.  Build in actual value changes for Car Dealers when selected. (Sunday)
17.  Work through the list of changes
18.  Add screen for vehicle sales price, credit score, offer after hitting continue button (Sunday - Roberta)
19.  On hitting continue button save all the data to the database along with current coordinates and time and identifier of the phone. (Sunday)
20.  Write the accept or reject script. (Monday)