I'm not really sure how I'm going to get everything done that I want to get done.
First I'm doing alot of data work and so I think I want to start a consultancy called DataWorks. That will give me the freedom to do what I want to do on my off time and provide me with extra income.
I also want to create a couple of iPhone apps:
-- finish carMath (Android Also)
-- WatchPoint (Android Also)
-- Cyrus the Virus (Android Also)
-- Celebrity Facepunch (Android Also)
-- coolChat
-- instaTeer
-- Biggest Artshow Ever
But before I create these I actually want pick-a-chart to get to 100,000 users a day. Or more.
In order to do that I need a better understanding of marketing. That class starts in April and doesn't end until October and I don't really know how to drive traffic that well so I think I'll put a pin in that until October.
Action Point: Perhaps I start improving the website.
My primary problem right now is that I don't have a balance between mobile and data. That's what this document is about. I need to figure out how to learn everything I need to learn to ramp up with data while remaining inspired creatively enough with learning what I need to learn for Android and mobile.
I think what I should do is first focus on the functional apps.
First: carMath
Second: WatchPoint
These two apps will allow me to focus on Android App development without getting into game development just yet. This will allow me to manage my learning curve appropriately.
The Learning Plan:
1. Finish Machine Learning Intro (Wednesday)
?. Finish CarMath for iOS (Sunday)
2. Read iOS Documentation on AVFoundation (Monday)
3. Work through Udacity Android Module 1
4. Work through Udacity Android Module 2
4a. Read AWS book or take AWS course (see bookmarks: Code)
5. Build Either Watchpoint for iOS or Build CarMath for Android
6. Build Watchpoint for iOS
7. Work through Supervised Machine Learning: Udacity
8. Build Watchpoint for Android
9. Market Watchpoint and get 1,000,000 downloads
10. Work through HTML 5 Game Development Course
11. Build Facepunch on the Web
12. Read Swift Game Development
13. Build Facepunch on iOS (do testing)
14. Build Facepunch on Android
15. Work Through Unsupervised Learning: Udacity
16. Build Cyrus the Virus on iOS (do user testing)
17. Build Cyrus the Virus on Android
The curtCR8 Plan:
1. Save 10K -- Buy Framed Bomb It Poster and get stuff I want hung up
2. Get a new iPhone with instagram so I can see Grafitti
2a. ?Build graphitti map website?
3. Build A Graph Artist List and put together a list of things I want to make.
4. Get 10 T-Shirts/Items Created and put them online
-- One has got to be NATIVE
-- One has got to be NY NOT TAYLOR SWIFT
-- One has got to be I'm Not From New York. I'm from Brooklyn.
5. Build a 100,000 person email list with CDs (200 / weekend) in NYC.
-- Use this to solicit music from new artists
-- Build a graph artist map
-- Do interviews with artists/storytellers/musicians that I find dope (the point: give fresh content - always give something before promoting something)
-- @ 10K throw a concert
6. Use that to promote concerts, digital properties (games & guides), and sell clothes, and promote new media.
Aside: What does curtCR8 do? CurtCR8 is a lifestyle brand. We do music, clothing, digital properties, net shows, concerts, food-media properties, festivals, movies, alternative movie events and alternative sporting events (Summer Ball League, Women's Volleyball).
Reality Show with Old Women and Young Women
Reality Show with Old Men and Young Men
Brewster's Billions
Sonic Wave -- a show about Musicians taking you through their city
Friday Night Anime --
New York's Biggest Artshow
First I'm doing alot of data work and so I think I want to start a consultancy called DataWorks. That will give me the freedom to do what I want to do on my off time and provide me with extra income.
I also want to create a couple of iPhone apps:
-- finish carMath (Android Also)
-- WatchPoint (Android Also)
-- Cyrus the Virus (Android Also)
-- Celebrity Facepunch (Android Also)
-- coolChat
-- instaTeer
-- Biggest Artshow Ever
But before I create these I actually want pick-a-chart to get to 100,000 users a day. Or more.
In order to do that I need a better understanding of marketing. That class starts in April and doesn't end until October and I don't really know how to drive traffic that well so I think I'll put a pin in that until October.
Action Point: Perhaps I start improving the website.
My primary problem right now is that I don't have a balance between mobile and data. That's what this document is about. I need to figure out how to learn everything I need to learn to ramp up with data while remaining inspired creatively enough with learning what I need to learn for Android and mobile.
I think what I should do is first focus on the functional apps.
First: carMath
Second: WatchPoint
These two apps will allow me to focus on Android App development without getting into game development just yet. This will allow me to manage my learning curve appropriately.
The Learning Plan:
1. Finish Machine Learning Intro (Wednesday)
?. Finish CarMath for iOS (Sunday)
2. Read iOS Documentation on AVFoundation (Monday)
3. Work through Udacity Android Module 1
4. Work through Udacity Android Module 2
4a. Read AWS book or take AWS course (see bookmarks: Code)
5. Build Either Watchpoint for iOS or Build CarMath for Android
6. Build Watchpoint for iOS
7. Work through Supervised Machine Learning: Udacity
8. Build Watchpoint for Android
9. Market Watchpoint and get 1,000,000 downloads
10. Work through HTML 5 Game Development Course
11. Build Facepunch on the Web
12. Read Swift Game Development
13. Build Facepunch on iOS (do testing)
14. Build Facepunch on Android
15. Work Through Unsupervised Learning: Udacity
16. Build Cyrus the Virus on iOS (do user testing)
17. Build Cyrus the Virus on Android
The curtCR8 Plan:
1. Save 10K -- Buy Framed Bomb It Poster and get stuff I want hung up
2. Get a new iPhone with instagram so I can see Grafitti
2a. ?Build graphitti map website?
3. Build A Graph Artist List and put together a list of things I want to make.
4. Get 10 T-Shirts/Items Created and put them online
-- One has got to be NATIVE
-- One has got to be NY NOT TAYLOR SWIFT
-- One has got to be I'm Not From New York. I'm from Brooklyn.
5. Build a 100,000 person email list with CDs (200 / weekend) in NYC.
-- Use this to solicit music from new artists
-- Build a graph artist map
-- Do interviews with artists/storytellers/musicians that I find dope (the point: give fresh content - always give something before promoting something)
-- @ 10K throw a concert
6. Use that to promote concerts, digital properties (games & guides), and sell clothes, and promote new media.
Aside: What does curtCR8 do? CurtCR8 is a lifestyle brand. We do music, clothing, digital properties, net shows, concerts, food-media properties, festivals, movies, alternative movie events and alternative sporting events (Summer Ball League, Women's Volleyball).
Reality Show with Old Women and Young Women
Reality Show with Old Men and Young Men
Brewster's Billions
Sonic Wave -- a show about Musicians taking you through their city
Friday Night Anime --
New York's Biggest Artshow
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