Saturday, March 2, 2019

Big Hit

So I took a big emotional hit this week.  I didn't get passed at the Comic Strip.

It really hurt.  It really fucking hurt.  And people in comedy hate me.  And I don't really care for them either mostly to be honest.

I'm very suceptible to energy.  Very. I'm an empath.  I feel everything in the extreme whether they be feeling of affection or feelings of hate.  Comics by and large hate me.  I don't really love them either.  But the audience members I do care for. Love?  Maybe that's a strong word but when I'm on that stage I care for them.

And to be honest I don't want to let the comedy scene beat me.  I feel like I've been given a raw deal.  And I don't like it.  And I don't want to accept this defeat.  So this is what I'm going to do.

I'm going to build or the table of contents will allow you to see every article on every site that you 'follow'.

It will then allow for you to comment on the article on a separate comments section.
It will also allow for you to save articles.
It will allow you to buy articles for which you do not have a subscription so if an article is behind a pay wall you could see it (changepurse -- a micro transaction product).
It will allow you to follow up to 25 publications per month but it will allow students (those with a .edu email address to follow up to 100 publications per month as well as HS students that authenticate using FB)
Otherwise it will cost people 1.00 per month for 100 publications.
It will also allow you to delete articles
It will also allow you to follow specific writers (not just publications) and allow them to publish an article exclusively on if they see fit and their publication does not want it


  1. the NY Times
  2. The WSJ
  3. The Daily News
  4. The New York Post
  5. The Washington Post
  6. Breitbart
  7. The Root
  8. The Daily Caller
  9. The Grio
  10. The Hill
  11. National Geographic
  12. CNN
  13. ESPN
  14. Sports Illustrated
  15. Fox News
  16. Bloomberg
  17. Bloomberg Business
  18. Complex
  19. The Fader
  20. The Onion
  21. The Baltimore Sun
  22. The Boston Papers (2)
  23. The New Hampshire Papers
  24.  The Philly Paper
  25.  The Colombus, Ohio Paper
  26. The Cleveland Paper
  27. The St. Louis Paper

Revenue Goals:


Brand Extension Goals:


A Weekly Online News Show:
-- Me
-- Jocelyn Chia
-- Chris Hamilton
-- Chris Bazemore
-- Freddie G
-- Kevin Hurley
-- Cool Latina -- Last Name: Ouch
-- Phil Valentine


Article Of the Week and an Interview with a Reporter For Article of the Week

Launch Resolved

Bottom Line:

This should give me a social media following and give me the ability to throw a monthly show here in NYC and a tour eventually.

It should also give me profile as a technologist.

And it should give me the ability to sell merch on the site through advertising.  Building an on demand merch platform.

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