Thursday, February 10, 2022

Lessons for Survival in Corporate America

 I am not good at Corporate America.  But I've created some rules.

A.) They don't like you.  They like the idea of you but they don't like you.  They like the idea of you because your work makes their dreams come true.  But if they could get rid of you and keep your work they would in a heartbeat.  Because they don't like you.  They like the idea of you doing what they say and making them more powerful and richer.  So they don't really want to get to know you or hear what you have to say. They just want you to work, smile, STFU, and collect your check until you part ways. They want you to be a good soldier and a good soldier is a silent soldier that follows orders.

B.)  You are not equals.  If an executive says something crazy you have to laugh and say that's great.  But if you say the exact same thing, it's totally different.  In the military they call it different spanks for different ranks.  You are not all equal.  So don't even think about the idea of equality.

C.) The bosses do not like you being comfortable.  If you are a black man, especially you.  Corporate events are for showing face but primarily to make the bosses feel better.  They are not for fun.  People will be treated differently according to their rank, importance, pay, and cultural compatibility, meaning if your bosses do not look like you, you will be held to a higher standard.  They do not like you to be comfortable.  They like you to be nervous because it feeds their ego.  So fake it, if you're confident.  Be nervous.  And if you can't fake it, say hello, goodbye, and leave.  Do not be confident and happy.  You do not know the internal life of people.  If they are not happy, your happiness as a low-level employee might offend them.  If they are not confident, your confidence as a low-level employee might offend them.  So say hello, say goodbye, and go somewhere where you can be yourself.  But not at work. 

Work is not for being yourself.  Work is for working and leaving.  Cultivate relationships with those who are most like you within your group.  And no one else.