Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I'm grateful for my job.  Very grateful.  Don't get me wrong. It allowed me to break into the sixes. And I'm grateful for that.  Very grateful.  I have a solid life because of it.  But I'm also very bored by it.

I'm learning nothing new. I'm able to perform at a high level and there really are very few twists and turns.  I could do more. I could actually hold two exact jobs like this and still do well.  Actually that'd be pretty cool considering I'd get paid twice as much. 

But the truth is money doesn't really do it for me in a pure sense.  Yes, I like money. Yes I need money.  But money is a tool. I am accumulating it but I'm not honing my skills at the same time.  I am working right now on an iPhone app and if I can get that into the marketplace then I'm going to apply to another job where I can actually hone my iOS skills and my web programming skills. I'm not intellectually stimulated here and the people aren't that sharp or passionate about their work or really about anything except BS and getting home on time. 

I look forward to working somewhere where I can program my ass off, increase my skills, and make money while I work on my craft at home.  But first I've got to get this iPhone App done.  That means no NY Knicks tonight.  It means going home and getting to work.

Yesterday I went home and got to work and enjoyed it thoroughly.  I turned off all television and everything else and just opened up my laptop and Malibuyao.  And I accomplished my task.  It was pretty cool.  

I think tonight I'll try to do two things:

First, get the Twilio piece to work.

Two, build another object that tests addresses.  

If that works then I should be able to, on Thursday, get the two of the screens on my View Controller to work.  

-- Pushing the information into Core Data and moving on.

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