Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One Screen Down

I just finished my first screen for GFM Mobile.  It feels pretty good.  It just goes to show that there is no substitute for experience.  Tonight it took me three hours to get a very simple screen done but I learned some things that you can only learn if you do it.  

What the IBOutlet property is used for.  How the rootViewController and a specific view are actually connected.  How the action and the IBOutlet properties actually connect.  The books that I read were useful but there is no substitute for actually doing it yourself.  I am eager to get onto the next task.  There is truly a joy in building something and building it well.  I am enjoying this task and am glad I am seeing it through (I almost wrote saw it through ... there is some truth to that).  Now I've got more to do ... but I must eat and go to bed.  Tomorrow is another day.  Hmph.  

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