Monday, February 20, 2012


These days I'm yearning for progress.  Yes I'm making progress and I'm pleased that I am moving on to learning new things.  I have some loose ends to tie up on the core website development but the other parts are coming along nicely.  I have learned sooooooo much.  For real.  

From the difference between $.ajax to $.getJSON, binding event handlers to fields, basic HTML, PHP interaction, sending emails from PHP scripts, linking back to URLs that send information and using that information to verify.  The amount I have learned is just alot.  It's verging on attaining level 1 ninja status.  True there's a lot to go but it's pretty cool.  But for real, what's next.

Next is Apache and iPhone App programming.  I have to set up my own web server so I can start writing CGI scripts and putting the website into a dev environment.  I'm doing so much coding and reading these days.  It's getting obscene.  I barely watched any TV today and am taking shorter lunches.

To be honest my old bosses words are becoming more and more true. 

Me:  "I don't like doing that."

Him: "You don't like it because you're not good at it."

But the better I get the more I enjoy what I'm doing.  Maybe Daymond John was right.  First you make it, then you master it, then you matter.  I'm in the making it stage right now.  Maybe even in some respects verging on the mastering it stage.  I know this skill set will serve me exceedingly well. 

I could see myself having a number of Internet properties.  This skill set is just so versatile.  With some of my future revenue I could write iPad stories and sell them, programming them in house.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  

First things first, work on what I'm doing which is getting this site up and running.  I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that but I'm eager to do more.  Now that I know something about how Linux works (a bit ... the kernel is the key and I don't know anything about it ... I'm not sure that I need to right now ... I think I have to really just get a site out there and take it from there) I'm pretty sure that I can move forward into Apache.

To tell the truth I'm really not excited about what I'm doing.  But I feel something substantial growing inside of me, like I'm putting on weight.  I feel like I'm just growing in a signficant way, that I've found a major point of pride and a platform for building things.  My entire life I've wanted to build something and now I am.  It really does feel solid.  Strong.

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